Category: Apache

Persist/Share tomcat session state between multiple instances

In this article, I am going to explain how can you persist/share tomcat session state between multiple instances, and improve your site performance. Persisting your session state outside of the tomcat servers is a very common and recommended configuration for large scale websites. This is usually done in pursuit of an architecture style called Shared …

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How to enable garbage collection logging (GC logs) in Apache tomcat

In this article I’ll provide information about how to enable garbage collection logging (GC logs) in Apache tomcat. GC logs are very important when you are debugging an application. GC logs helps to analyse how your program uses the memory. GC logs also helps to find how often garbage collector cleans the memory for unused objects. …

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Send error logs through email using log4j SMTP appender

recently I was reading about Apache log4j appenders. and found log4j SMTPAppender which sends an e-mail when a specific logging event occurs, typically on errors or fatal errors. That time I got idea to write this post to send error logs through email using log4j SMTP appender. for a developer error logs are very important. and …

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[Maven – Build Error] Unsupported WTP Version

Hi, recently I was working on a project and I found a build error while I tried to execute mvn -eclipse:eclipse command to build eclipse project settings for my maven project. the solution for the above error message is specify maven-eclipse-plugin setting in your project’s pom file. <plugin> <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> <artifactId>maven-eclipse-plugin</artifactId> <version>2.5</version> <configuration> <wtpversion>${supported-wtp-version}</wtpversion> </configuration> </plugin> …

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Configuring multiple Tomcat application servers with Apache HTTP server/ Load Balancing with Apache Web Server

In this article, I am going to explain how we can configure multiple Tomcat instances with single Apache Web Server. There are many solutions posted on the web, but it is the simplest and easiest way to do this. Prerequisite: Apache HTTP Server 2.x Tomcat 6.x module for Apache Web server Any text editor, …

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